Free mini-course
Follow the free mini-course business drawing

Do you recognize yourself in these scenarios?

The information you have to convey is very complicated

People lose their attention during (online) meetings

People hardly read the minutes and/or policy documents

People seem to understand what you’re saying, but it doesn’t stick
Then take part in the mini-course!
This is what you will learn:

Why drawing is the answer to your communication problems

How to draw anything you want

What the impact magnifiers are and how you can use them

How to design basic puppets

How to create a professional visual pitch
Start the mini-course
As a professional you want to make a difference, but for that you need impact. By making your communication visual, your message comes across better and is remembered longer.
The ‘Draw your message’ mini-course introduces you to the value of drawing and a new way of working in five short videos in an accessible way!
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